Glossary of Terms
How to Add an Invoice to a Proforma
In this video I will show you how to add an Invoice to an existing Proforma, in the Invoices Module.
As a reminder, a proforma is a preliminary bill of sale, sent to buyers in advance of delivery of goods or services. It outlines the details and costs, such as for an ATPL training course.
A proforma allows you to request payment before issuing the final invoice, ensuring that the corresponding invoice can be generated once the payment is received.
Note: in Private-Radar proformas are not mandatory to create an invoice. You can create and send invoices, without first creating a proforma, in the Invoices tab. For more information about how to create an invoice, without a proforma, please watch the tutorial - How to Add/Edit/Delete Invoices.
Now, let me show you how to add an invoice to a proforma:
1. First, log in to your account.
2. Go to the Invoices Module.
3.Navigate to the Proforma tab.
4. Click on the 3 dots aligned with the proforma that you wish to add an invoice to.
5. Select “add invoice”.
This will open the “add or edit invoice” window.
The system will automatically fill the “Proforma:” field with the number of the proforma you have selected.
Remember, invoices in Private-Radar are added to their proforma using this number, allowing you to easily track and group related invoices. If you want to change which proforma your invoice is added to, you can select a different proforma number, using the drop-down menu.
6. Private-Radar will also automatically fill in both the “Client” field with the details from the proforma and the “Description” field with the proforma number.
7. Now you can, enter all the necessary invoice information into the corresponding fields.
8. If you select "Send the invoice by email," the invoice will be automatically emailed to the client when you save and close the window. If you do not select this option, you can manually send the invoice at any time after it has been created.
9. When you are finished and have checked that everything is correct, click Save. The invoice will now appear in the Invoice tab.
More information on Private-Radar's Invoice Module is available at