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How to Add-Copy-Edit-Delete-Cancel Aircraft Bookings

In this tutorial you will learn how to Add, Edit, Copy, Delete and Cancel aircraft bookings.

ADD: (0:09)

1. Log in to your account.

2. Go to the Schedule Module.

3. Select the Schedule tab.

4. On top of the schedule, you will see the current date. You can select from the display option in the drop-down menu by choosing Day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, or month view.

5. You can click directly on the schedule at the desired time to book a flight on an aircraft.  A new booking window will open and you can add the booking information.

6. Select Private or Public on the top left-hand corner of the booking window. For more information on Private or Public Bookings, please watch the tutorial Private or Public Bookings.

7. Select the date and time.

8. Select the aircraft booking type, either Flight, Maintenance, or Not Available. For flight bookings select the type of flight. For example, Instruction, Solo, or Exam. There are several options and they are color-coded to differentiate the different types of flights.

9. Now select VFR or IFR and local or cross country.

10. Now it's time to select your crew from the drop-down menu. You can add pre-briefing and post-briefing times. This will block off the student and instructor for the additional time but not the aircraft.

11. If you have selected your pilot you can now select a lesson. Just click on the select button under the Lessons section and select the course, lesson, and even the specific exercises. You can easily view the course progress by seeing the color-coded lessons of the course. Green = passed, Red = failed, Gray = uncompleted.

12. You can also auto-select a lesson by clicking the Auto Button. Auto is not possible if the user is in more than one course.

13. You can also add comments.

14. To repeat the booking. Just check off the “Repeat” box and select the frequency of the flight, if every day, every week, or every month; and the number of times it will repeat. For example, I am going to repeat this booking every week, for 1 month.

15. Don't forget to save. Note, If you click outside the booking window the information will not be saved.

16. You will see warnings on the top of the booking window related to the selected aircraft and/or users. The system will check for aircraft double bookings, aircraft maintenance, and aircraft certificates.

The system will also check the users for double bookings, expired certificates, flight and duty time exceeded, currency, availability, account balance, and pending bookings. Depending on your schedule settings, these constraints can prevent a booking or just give you a warning.

For example, if the aircraft maintenance is due, it may prevent you from completing the booking. In this case, you must select another aircraft, update the maintenance in the system, or change your admin schedule settings.

COPY: (3:14)

To add a new booking with the same or similar information as a previously created booking, you can copy a booking. To copy a booking,

1. Simply click on the booking you want to copy.

2. Click on the Copy button, the rectangular icon.

3. Here you will see the new booking window with the same information as the one you are copying. You can leave it as is or edit the fields that you need. For example, I'll change the date and time and leave the aircraft, crew, and lesson information as is.

4. Do not forget to save.

TO EDIT: (3:52)

To edit a booking,

1. Click on the booking and select the Edit icon (the little pencil icon).

2. This will open the Edit booking window where you can make your modifications to the aircraft booking and don’t forget to save.

TO DELETE: (4:06)

To delete a booking,

1. Click directly on the booking.

2. Select the Delete icon (the small trashcan) and you will be prompted with the message "You are going to delete this reservation. This cannot be undone. Are you sure ?". Click YES or NO. Deleted bookings will not be accounted for and will not be included in reports.

TO CANCEL: (4:36)

To cancel a booking,

1. Click directly on the booking.

2. Select the Cancel icon (the small circle with the diagonal line through it).

3. You will be prompted with a cancel booking window where you can select a reason from the drop-down menu. If the reason is not listed you can choose "other" which will allow you to write the reason in the text box. If you want to send an email to the student and the instructor to notify them of the cancellation, please check off the Send Email check box and click OK. Cancellations will be accounted for and can be used to create reports in the reports module.

Please watch the other tutorials available to learn more about the schedule module.

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