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How to Add/Edit/Delete an Aircraft

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add, edit, and delete an aircraft, glider, or simulator.

First, sign in to your account.

**ADD:** (0:12)

To add an aircraft:

1. Go to the Aircraft Module.

2. Click on the plus sign on the top right-hand corner of the page.

3. Complete aircraft information. 

Make, model and registration are mandatory. Choose the make and model options from the drop-down list.

Upload a picture by clicking on the image/camera icon in the left-hand corner of the window.

Select active or inactive. Active aircraft will appear in the schedule and can be reserved. Inactive aircraft will not appear in the schedule and cannot be reserved.

Complete the details about the engines, propellers, hobbs meter, the main and temporary bases, fuel and oil capacity, and operating cost.

Don't forget to save.

Once you have added the new aircraft, you can check all the tabs that appear automatically and manage documents, certificates, maintenance, techbooks, rates, squawks, and flight tracker.

REMEMBER: The Roles and Privileges set for a user role will determine the amount of information you have access to. For more information, please watch the tutorial "How to Manage the Roles and Privileges for the Aircraft Module".

**EDIT:** (1:22)

To edit an aircraft:

1. Go to the Aircraft Module.

2. Select the aircraft you want to edit.

3. Click on the “Edit information” button, the pencil icon on the top right-hand corner of the page.

4. Edit the information.

5. Don't forget to save the changes. Remember, If you click outside the pop-up window the information will not be saved.

**DELETE:** (1:43)

To delete an aircraft:

1. Go to the Aircraft Module.

2. Select the aircraft you want to delete.

3. Click on the “Delete aircraft” button, the trash can icon on the top right-hand corner of the window.

4. You will be prompted with a message, "Attention! You are going to delete an aircraft. This operation can't be undone. Are you sure?". Select "Yes" to accept or "No" to cancel. This action will delete all the information related to this aircraft. Alternatively, if you do not want to lose the aircraft information, you can set the aircraft to inactive. For more information about setting an aircraft to inactive, please watch the tutorial "Active/Inactive Aircraft". 


A user must have the corresponding Roles and Privileges to be able to Add, Edit, and Delete an aircraft. Let me show you. 

1. Go to the Users Module.

2. Click on the Roles and Privileges icon on the top right-hand corner of the page.

3. Select a role from the dropdown list, for example, Instructor.

4. Click on the Aircraft Tab.

5. Scroll down to Add, Edit, Delete Aircraft and check off the boxes, Add Aircraft/Edit Aircraft/Delete Aircraft.

Once you have checked off these three boxes, the user will be allowed to Add, Edit, and Delete Aircraft.

For more information about the Roles and Privileges of the Aircraft Module, please watch the other tutorials. 

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