Glossary of Terms
How to Add-Edit-Delete User's Certificates
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add and manage users' certificates. This can be done from the Users or Me Module, depending on the Roles and Privileges assigned to a user. Administrative level users are the ones that usually have the privilege to view the Users Module, with other users accounts. On the other hand, students usually only have access to the Me Module.
With Private-Radar, you can manage all the user certificates, keep track of their validity and know when they are about to expire, or have already expired. Certificates that are going to expire soon will display the validity date in yellow, and the ones that already expired will show in red.
You will find a list of predefined licenses, certificates, and ratings. You can also create custom certificates.
Now, let me show you the Certificates tab.
You can start by checking all the predefined certificates that are already built into the system and adding new certificates to the list. Let me show you:
2. Go to the Users Module and select a user.
3. Go to the Certificates tab.
4. Click on the "Manage Certificates" button.
5. Here you will see all the predefined certificates and be able to add, edit, and delete custom certificates.
6. Click the "Add Certificates" button.
7. Select the category, you can choose “License”, “Certificate”, or “Rating”.
8. Select the type from the drop-down list. If you can’t find an option that fits your needs, choose “Other”.
9. Enter a name for the certificate.
10. Don't forget to save.
Your new certificate will be saved in the Certificate Manager, you can view it at the end of each type list, and have the option to edit or delete it.
ADD: (1:53)
Now let me explain to you how to add your own certificates or other users’ certificates.
1. Go to the Me Module, or the Users Module and select a user.
2. Go to the Certificates tab.
3. Click on the "Add Certificate" button.
4. Select a certificate from the licenses, certificates, or ratings list.
5. Select the issuance date. You can either select the date from the calendar or manually enter it.
6. You can leave the renewal date empty and fill it in when you renew the certificate.
7. Select the valid until date, this date will define the alerts for when the certificate is about to expire or has expired.
8. You can upload an image or PDF of the certificate for your records.
9. Finally, you have the option to archive the certificate. This is usually used when you renew a certificate and want to save the previous certificate for your records.
EDIT: (2:51)
To edit a certificate:
1. Click on the edit icon next to the certificate you want to edit.
2. A window will open where you can make any modification, for example, adding a renewal or a new validity date.
3. When you finish click on “Save”.
DELETE: (3:08)
To delete a certificate:
1. Click on the edit icon next to the certificate you want to delete.
2. And click on the “Delete” button. A message will appear: “Attention! Are you sure you want to delete this certificate?”. Click “Yes” to accept or “No” to cancel.
3. Alternatively, you can choose to archive the certificate and save it for your records, by checking off the box on the bottom.
Archived Certificates will be displayed on a list below the current Certificates.
The system will check users' certificates and their validity. You will always know when a certificate, a license, or a rating will expire, has expired, or is missing.
You can view the missing or expired certificate alerts from the Home Page on the Certificate Warnings card. You can also view this information from the Dashboard Module on the Users tab. You can also view this information when you select a user directly in the Users module.
Make sure you have access to view the Certificates tab, as well as all the functionalities inside. To do that, you need to check the Roles and Privileges:
1. Go to the Users Module.
2. Click on the Roles and Privileges button.
3. Choose a role from the drop-down list on the top of the window.
4. And go to the Users tab.
5. Now, scroll down to Certificates.
6. Check off the box “View Certificates tab”.
7. Give access to add, edit, delete and/or manage certificates.
8. When you finish, just close the window. Your changes will be saved automatically.
Usually, administrative roles are the only ones that have access to manage certificates. You can decide if you want to give access to any other role. For example, you can allow the role of student to add, edit, and delete their own certificates; otherwise, you can choose to centralize all the certificate management with an administrator.
For more information on the Users Module, please watch the corresponding tutorials.