Glossary of Terms
Roles and Privileges
How to Manage the Roles and Privileges for the CAMO Module
In this tutorial, I will show you how to configure the Roles and Privileges for the CAMO Module.
The CAMO Module can be used by your Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Organization and allows you to manage work orders, parts orders, parts, and suppliers.
In brief, the CAMO work order creates a request for the maintenance to perform some tasks. Maintenance then fills in the tasks that have been performed, and the parts that have been installed or changed, and then issues the CRS (Certificate of Release to Service). You can print all these documents in pdf.
You can clearly define what each role can do within the CAMO Module. Let me show you how to set this up:
1. First, log in to your account.
2. Go to the Users Module.
3. Click on the Roles button on the top right-hand corner of the page.
4. Select a role from the drop-down list.
5. Go to the CAMO tab.
6. Here you can select the criteria. All of the options correspond to the tabs and different functionalities available in the CAMO Module.
If you want to give users with the selected role access to this module, check off the box “View the CAMO Module”. Otherwise, the module will be hidden completely.
To allow users with the selected role to view the Work Orders tab, check the box. If you want to allow all the operations within the Work Orders tab just click on the check box again and it will automatically select all the boxes. Otherwise, you can select individually the options to add, edit, delete, and print CAMO Work Orders. As well as, to edit and print Maintenance Work Orders. Lastly, to edit and print the Certificate of Release.
To allow users with the selected role to view the Parts Orders tab, check the box. You can also select add, edit, and delete parts orders.
To allow users with the selected role to view the Parts tab, check the box, as well as the option to add, edit, and delete parts.
Lastly, to allow users with the selected role to view the Suppliers tab, check the box. You can also select add, edit, and delete suppliers.
You can configure these privileges per role, such as student or maintenance.
In general, users with a role such as Student would not have access to the CAMO Module. It would be hidden completely. Alternatively, users with a role related to the maintenance department would have complete access to all the operations and workflow in the CAMO Module.
Set up your role configuration for the CAMO Module according to the access you want to grant to each role.
For more information about the CAMO Module, please watch the other tutorials.