Glossary of Terms
Roles and Privileges
How to Manage the Roles and Privileges for the Dashboard Module
In this tutorial, I will show you how to configure the Roles and Privileges for the Dashboard Module.
The Dashboard Module displays relevant information on different tabs, such as:
Tracking: If you are subscribed to our Aircraft Tracking System, here you can view a list of the flight-trackers with important information. This includes the aircraft registration, the flight tracker IMEI number, active or inactive, the current status (in-flight or on ground), the current position, and the battery level.
Maintenance: Here you can view scheduled, overdue, and upcoming maintenance of the fleet. Remember you can filter by aircraft and/or base.
Flight alerts: If you are subscribed to our Aircraft Tracking System, these alerts are automatically sent from the active flight trackers in your fleet and display important information such as low speed, low altitude, high altitude, intrusion in non-authorized airspaces, and so on.
Aircraft alerts: Here you can see a list of alerts for aircraft certificates (expired or expiring soon) and unsolved squawks.
Users alerts: Here you can see a list of alerts for user certificates, licenses, and ratings (missing, expired, or expiring soon).
And lastly, here on the instructors tab you can see a list of the instructors. You can expand each instructor to see a list of their students with their current course and next lesson.
For each role, you can configure a set of privileges. Then you assign a role to a user. This way you can decide if you will allow users with a specific role to view the Dashboard Module and you can define which tabs they will be able to view. The privilege to view the Dashboard tabs should only be granted to the roles that are certified to access the information.
Let me show you how to set up these privileges for the dashboard:
1. First, log in to your account.
2. Go to the Users Module.
3. Click on the Roles button on the top right-hand corner of the page.
4. Select a role from the drop-down list.
5. Go to the Dashboard tab.
6. Here you can allow the role to view the Dashboard Module and select which tabs to include, as I mentioned before, you can select:
View tracking tab
View maintenance tab
View users tab
View flights tab
View aircraft tab
View instructors tab
For example, I will allow users with the role Administrator to view all the tabs, I will allow users with the role Maintenance to view only the maintenance and aircraft tab; however, I will not allow users with the role Student to view the Dashboard Module, as this is unnecessary information to display for my students.
For more information about the Dashboard Module, please watch the other tutorials.