Glossary of Terms
How to Evaluate a Flight Lesson
In this tutorial, you will learn how to evaluate a flight lesson.
EVALUATE: (0:10)
To evaluate a flight lesson:
1. First log into your account.
2. Go to the Flights Module.
3. Select the flight you want to evaluate. You can use the filters to help you search if needed.
NOTE: If the flight has not been added yet then you will need to add it so you can then evaluate it. Please watch the corresponding tutorial, How to Add/Edit/Delete a Flight.
4. Now, once you have selected the flight you want to evaluate, just click on the three dots on the right. Here you can choose whether to evaluate the flight directly by selecting "Evaluate flight", or by selecting "Edit flight" which will allow you to edit more details.
If you select "EVALUATE FLIGHT":
1. The flight evaluation window will open.
2. At the top of the window, you will see a summary of the flight information, such as the student and instructor's name, the date, flight time, aircraft registration, and the number of landings.
3. Below you can select the grade from the evaluation scale for the global evaluation items, lessons, and exercises.
4. If you have many items to evaluate in the lesson you can quickly select the grade on the top row and this will set all of the items to the same grade, then you can adjust them as needed.
5. Green represents pass and red represents fail. You can also choose to leave an exercise without a grade by clicking on "N/A".
6. You can add comments to the global evaluation and exercises.
7. As the instructor, when you are finished evaluating, you can sign the evaluation by entering your password and pass the tablet or the device to the student so he/she can sign, also by entering his/her password. This can be done at the same time on the same device. Alternatively, students and instructors can sign the evaluation in the Me Module, under the Signatures tab, or on the Home Page under the "Missing signatures" card. For more information, please watch the tutorials How to Upload Your Signature, Sign Flight Sheets & Evaluations, and Intro to the Home Page.
NOTE: You can set up a mandatory signature for both the student and/or instructor in Settings>Evaluation>Signature of the instructor mandatory / Signature of the student mandatory.
Don't forget to save.
IMPORTANT: To evaluate a flight, you must have selected a crew, both student and instructor, and the lesson. If there is no crew selected for this flight, just go to flights, select the flight, click on “Edit flight”, go to the “Crew” tab and select the crew.
You can also add and/or modify the lesson. Go to the Flights module, select the flight, click on “Edit flight”, and go to the “Lessons” tab. Click "Add" and select the course, phase, lesson, and if you want to select specific exercises from the lesson just click on the small arrow to display each exercise. You will be prompted to update the flight to match the lesson. Click "Ok" if the information is correct.
To remove the lesson, click on the small trash can next to the title of the lesson.
Now, let's go back.
If you select "EDIT FLIGHT":
1. The "Edit flight" window will open.
2. Go to the Lessons tab and fill in the evaluation as previously explained.
3. Don't forget to save.
Private-Radar also offers an offline evaluation feature. To use it, you must have previously created a flight and selected a lesson
To learn more about offline evaluations, please watch the tutorial.
To view the evaluation.
1. Go to the Flights Module.
2. Click on the three-dot menu on the right-hand side of the flight.
3. Select "View evaluation".
4. You will be able to view the evaluation, but not edit it.
Editing an evaluation is limited only to users with a role that has been given the privilege to evaluate lessons.
You can configure this by following these steps:
1. Go to the Users Module.
2. Click on the "Roles" button.
3. Select a role from the drop-down list.
4. Click on the Flights tab.
5. Check off the box to view the Flights Module.
6. Scroll down to Evaluation and check off the box “Evaluate lessons”.
For more information, please watch the tutorial How to Manage the Roles and Privileges for the Flights Module.
Please watch more in-depth tutorials about the Flights Module to learn more!