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Admin Settings

Flight and Duty Times for Super Administrators

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up your Flight and Duty Time Settings.

1. First, log in to your account as the super administrator.

2. Expand the menu on the top left-hand corner of the page.

3. Click on Settings.

4. Select the "Flight & Duty Times" tab.

5. Here you will find your different Flight & Duty Times settings.

You always have Default Settings, and you can create other settings based on conditions.


Click on the button "Add new settings". A pop-up window appears with different sections to define the new setting:

Name: Enter a Name for this setting.

Conditions: you need to select at least one condition for which these settings will apply. You can select a condition on the base of the user, on the group, if they are flight intructors, theory instructors, or students, and also if they belong to a specific course.

Maximum Flight Times:

Here you can define maximum flight times hours for the past 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, and 12 months.

Flight times are the realized flights. They are calculated from the flights recorded in the Flights Module.

Maximum Duty Times:

Duty times are the times where users are on duty. They are calculated from the activities on the schedule.

You can define maximum duty times hours for the past 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, and 12 months.

The maximum duty time can also be increased if there is a Cross-Country flight, you can set that up there.

Daily Duty Time:

The daily time is calculated from the beginning of the first activity of the day to the end of the last activity of the day (a flight including briefings, a ground lesson, or any other activity).

Set the maximum duty hours for instruction flights and AOC flights.

You can also adjust your settings if you want to ignore ground lessons after the last flight.


The night reduction is applied to the maximum daily duty time when at least one flight lands or takes off during the night time.

For example, if you select 1h, and your maximum duty time is 8h per day, if an instructor has a night flight, he will only be allowed to fly 7h.

You can define the night reduction hours by using real night times (calculated on the airport defined in the Schedule tab) or fixed times.


Rest times are taken into account to calculate the duty times.

The minimum full rest time is the rest between the end of the last activity of the previous day, and the beginning of the first activity of the current day.

The minimum partial rest time is the minimum time between 2 activities that will allow to increase the maximum daily duty time by half of the partial rest time. For example, if you set the minimum partial rest time at 4h, that means that if an instructor has 4h between 2 activities on his schedule, he will have an increase of 2h for his daily duty time.

You can also set the minimum rest between two flights.


To Edit an existing setting, click on the pencil icon located at the right of the Name's setting.

The default settings do not have conditions, as they apply if no other settting has been found.


When you create or modify a booking, you will always see the warnings about duty times at the top of the window. If you want to prevent bookings or dispatch when the duty times are exceeded, you need to set that up in the Schedule and Dispatch tab.

Please watch the tutorial regarding Schedule settings and Dispatch settings for more information.


To view a user's current flight and duty time,

1. Go to the users module.

2. Select a user.

3. Click on the Flight and Duty Time tab.

Here you will find the total summary. This information will be automatically updated based on the information in the system.

Remember that these are the total on the current day. If you create a booking in the future, Private-Radar will calculate the flight and duty times of that specific day using the schedule and flights logged up to that specific day.


You can also generate a Flight and Duty Time report in the Reports Module, if you are subscribed.

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