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In Private-Radar, Memos can be used to record incidents or issues that may arise with a student during the course of their flight training. Remember, to edit Roles you must have the corresponding right.

In this tutorial, we will show you what memos are and how to add, edit and delete memos.

To start, what are Memos, in Private-Radar? (0:09)

For example, you can use Memos to record absences, concerning behavior, verbal warnings they have received from instructors or staff and, if needed, more serious issues.

How to view memos: (0:33)

1. First, go to the Users Module, and select the user you wish to view.

2.  Click on the Memos Tab. Here you will see the open and closed Memos for this user.

3. Click on the three dots next to the closed or open memo and select view.

4. In this window you will be able to view the Instructors and Participants, the specific date of when it occurred, 

Memo type (Verbal Memo, Absence, and Corrective Measure Report) 

Description (html text box to enter the description) Status (Open or Closed), 

Action (Continue, Pause or Terminate) 

and finally the Signatures required by the instructor and student.

How to add a memo: (1:19)

1. To add a Memo, click the “Plus” icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

2. Now, in this window you can enter all of the details related to the Memo.

3. Add the Instructor. The instructor is the person writing the Memo and who will need to sign it. This field is mandatory.

4. Add the participants involved. The participants are the users who were involved in the incident. There can be one or more participants in a Memo.

5. Add the Creation date, either by typing the date manually, or by clicking on the calendar icon and choosing the date from the calendar. The Creation date is the date at which the incident is first recorded. This field is mandatory.

6. Add the Due date. The due date is the date by which the Memo needs to be resolved. This field is mandatory.

7. Set the type of Memo by using the dropdown menu. The default options are “Verbal Memo”, “Absence”, or “Corrective Measure Report”. It is possible to customize these types, please contact us at, if you wish to do so.

8. Next, use the html text box to enter the description of the Memo. You can also add images, files or hyperlinks, if needed. This field is mandatory.

9. Select the status of the Memo: it is Open at the beginning, and Closed when the Memo has been resolved. Closed memos are listed in the Closed section of the Memos tab.

10. Select the Action that needs to be taken in regards to this user Memo. Continue means that the user can training proceeds as usual, “Pause” means that their training is put on hold for an amount of time, and “Terminate” means that the user’s training will be ended.

Both the instructor and the user can sign the Memo using their passwords. The Instructor must sign the Memo before it is possible to Save.

11. Finally, click the “Save” button to save and close the memo.

How to modify, print or delete a memo: (3:21)

To Edit a Memo, simply click on the “three dots” on the right hand side of the screen and select Edit, this will open the Memo window, where you can make any necessary changes. You also have the option to View, Print or Delete the Memo, when clicking on the “three dots" icon.

Who can use Memos? Roles and Privileges | (3:44)

Let me show you how to manage these Privileges:

1. Go to the Users Module.

2. Click on the Roles and Privileges, the “Shield icon” in the top right-hand corner of the page.

3. Select a Role from the dropdown list, for example, “Administrator”.

4. Navigate to the Users Module.

5. Scroll to Memos, and check the boxes for the Privileges that you wish to give to this Role.

Now Users, with this Role, (in our example “Administrator”) have the correct Privileges to print, view, add, edit and delete Memos.

For more information about the Users Module, please watch the corresponding tutorials.

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