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How to View Student's Progress

In this video, I will show you how to View the Students' Progress in a course. Let's get started.


1. Go to the Courses module.

2. Select a Course.

3. Now click on the Students tab. Here you can see all the students in a course and their progress.

4. You can see Flight/Ground lesson progress.

5. You can filter by class by selecting one from the dropdown list

There are some practical filters above the table:

  • Choose either Flight or Ground Lessons.

  • Hide Students who finished the course.

  • Hide Inactive Students.

The grey column shows the Course Phases, and the time the student needs to dedicate to that Phase. For each Phase, you can see the progress of each student and, if finished, the Average Grade. You can also see an overview of the total Flight Times and the percentage that has been completed.

Below each Student, you can find the time spent for each lesson and their progress.

There are different colors to indicate the progress of each Lesson:

  • Green: means that the Lesson is completed. The darker the green the
    higher the grade.

  • Red: means that the Lesson is completed but with a low grade. The darker
    the red the lower the grade.

  • Blue: The lesson has not been completed yet. The blue bar indicates the
    progress and the time displayed is the remaining time to complete the

When you click on a completed flight you will be able to download the flight sheet with the evaluation.

You can also clock on phases to be informed about the phases and Lesson syllabus.


If you go to the Users module and select a Student you can view their individual course progress and attendance.

1. Go to the Users module.

2. Select a Student.

3. Click on the Courses tab.

4. Select a Course.

Once you open a course, there will be two tabs to choose from, Flight or Ground.

If you pick Flight, you see a chart with the actual Flight Lessons in blue and the milestones in gray. The y-axis of the graph shows the hours of flight and on the x-axis, the dates. The gray diamonds represent milestones and the blue diamonds represent completed lessons.

Next from the milestone graph, the system shows a radial chart that indicates the Student's Competencies.

Below the charts, you can expand the Phases for a detailed view of VFR and IFR times and all the lessons with the date of the flight and the evaluation. When you click on the 3 dots on the right of a lesson you can Download the PDF, View the evaluation (If finished), View the flight, or Evaluate the flight if you have the roles and privileges to do so.

If you pick Ground, you can see the details of the ground lessons with one of three pie charts showing the number of hours present/absent and not taken along with the percentage.

You can expand each module to see the details of each lesson or exam, validate a lesson by clicking on the check, or download the presence sheet. You can also download the full attendance report by clicking the gray ATTENDANCE button.

The other two pie charts are showing the progress and percentage of passed, failed, and not taken Internal/External Exams.

REMEMBER: A user must have certain Roles and Privileges to be able to view a student's progress. For more information, please watch the tutorial How to Manage the Roles and Privileges in the Courses Module.

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